EC135 helicopter type training (the first multi-engine helicopter, instrument rating extension included) includes 55 hours of theory and17 hours of flight training with an EC135 ground trainer and EC135 helicopter.
Course content:
55 hours of theory traning
11 hoursof training with EC135 FTD2/3 ground trainer
6 hours of flight training with EC135 helicopter
Final theory exam
Flight test about 1 hour with an EC135 helicopter (received by the authority)
Admission requirements for the course for an applicant applying for the first single-pilot multi-engine helicopter type rating:
The applicant must have a PPL(H), CPL(H) or ATPL(H) license
At least medical qualification class 2 (aeronautical doctor grants)
Before starting flight training
have passed the ATPL(H) theory test, or
must have received a certificate from a preparatory course completed in an approved educational organization. The course covers the following subjects of the ATPL(H) theory course:
general knowledge of the aircraft: fuselage/systems/power equipment and gauges/electronics
performance values and flight planning: mass and balance, performance values
An applicant who has not completed a combined ATP(H)/IR, ATP(H) or CPL(H)/IR course must have flown at least 70 hours as pilot in command (PIC) on helicopters
For an applicant who applies for a second multi-engine helicopter type rating or a type rating without instrument flight rating, the amount of flight and theory training according to the EASA regulation and SL Flight Training can be credited according to the type training program.

EC120 helicopter type training includes 20 hours of theory and 5 hours of flight training on the EC120 helicopter.
Course content:
20 hours of theory training
5 hours of flight training
Final theory exam
Flight test with EC120
Admission requirements for the course for an applicant applying for a first single-pilot helicopter type rating:
The applicant must have a PPL(H), CPL(H) or ATPL(H) license
At least medical qualification class 2 (aeronautical doctor grants)